11- again pulled up the support area at 64 where it hit a few times earlier, had yellow waited for a price stall and shorted, grabbed a few more to add to the total.
A quick note, we all struggle with holding on to trades, wanting to strike quick and fast in and out which is great, but you, me all of us need to recognize when we are in a trade that has a HP chance of paying us nice. So have a bit more patience, what is the worse case scenerio you lose a few pips instead of banking them vs. more times then not if you have patience you will get more pips from winning entries, instead of closing the winners to soon and the losers to late. I know, easier said then done but again it comes back to recognize you are in a HP setup and let it develope. All of us can do this and make your dreams happen, some of us are new some old but we are all on the same journey. Start participating in the blogs and forums, ask questions, point things out, post your trades, be active and KEEPING F****** TAKING YOUR TRADES!!!!!